Class BaseResource<Interface>Abstract

Base class for all Shortcut resources. Provides methods for creating, updating, and deleting resources.

Type Parameters

  • Interface = BaseInterface

Hierarchy (view full)


[key: string]: ShortcutFieldType


  • Return a Proxy object to intercept property access and set operations on derived classes. The Proxy object will track changes made to the object and store them in the changedFields property to be used when updating the resource.

    Type Parameters

    • Interface = default


    • Optional init: Interface

      An object containing the initial values for the resource.

    Returns BaseResource<Interface>


availableOperations: ResourceOperation[] = []

The available operations for the resource, any not in this list will raise an error when called

changedFields: string[] = []

Fields that have been changed, used to determine what to update. It is not recommended to access this property directly.

createFields: string[] = []

Fields that are used when creating a new resource

service: BaseService<BaseResource<default>, default> | BaseSearchableService<BaseResource<default>, default>


  • get baseUrl(): string
  • The base URL for the resource to be used in API requests. This property must be overridden in the subclass.

    Returns string


    • Throws an error if the property is not overridden in the subclass.


  • Protected

    This method can be overridden by derived classes to perform any necessary operations before saving the resource

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Create a new instance of the resource, using the current object's properties. Use the xCreateData interface to determine which fields are available for creation.

    Returns Promise<BaseResource<Interface>>

    • A Promise that resolves with the newly created instance.


    • Throws an error if the HTTP request fails.
  • Delete the current instance of the resource.

    Returns Promise<void>

    • A Promise that resolves when the resource has been deleted.


    • Throws an error if the HTTP request fails.
  • Save the current instance of the resource. If the resource already exists (has an ID), it will be updated. Otherwise, it will be created using the fields createFields.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Update the current instance of the resource with the changed fields.

    Returns Promise<void>

    • A Promise that resolves when the resource has been updated.


    • Throws an error if the HTTP request fails.